
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Going to the Well

"Out of breath I am left hoping someday, I'll breathe again" - Sara Bareilles, "Breathe Again"

Midterms are over at last and Spring Break has begun -- though I do have a couple of papers to write and lots of reading to do over the break :) And I'm going home to NC, to see family and friends!! I was just looking at the reading that I want to accomplish over break and am wondering if that will actually happen. I would like to get caught up and ahead in class readings if possible and squeeze in a little reading for myself. A break is supposed to fit in here somewhere, right....
During this season of Lent, I have been trying to set aside time to find the quiet and really examine this wilderness that is life. I have been reading Sarah Parson's "A Clearing Season" as part of my devotions. In it, she describes going into the wilderness with Jesus during this season and examining what is there, what we can embrace and what needs to be cleared out.
Trying to relax in the quiet has proven to be quite difficult the last week or so. Quiet is hard to find. Distractions are abounding. It is easy to put it off when there is reading and studying to be done. Its studying for an Old Testament exam, reading for worship planning and pastoral care, and writing an essay for History of Christian Thought -- I mean, it's generally the same idea right? It's studying God's word and writing about good ole theologians like Luther and that counts, doesn't it? Not quite. It's like talking about a friend, rather talking to the friend. With the interruptions, distractions and noise, I have found, especially in the last few days, a desire for the simple and the quiet. I am very much a small town girl in the middle of this ginormous city! :) Very thankful for Spring Break--but as I said above, there are still papers to be written, reading to be done, an exegetical paper to start, and a sermon to start preparing (can we say nervous). But somewhere in there, I will find the quiet. I need to find the quiet.
Today in Chapel, Bishop Willimon preached a sermon about the 10 commandments. Though this had nothing to do with his sermon, as he was reading the scripture (Ex. 20:1-17), I was reminded--"Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy." The Sabbath isn't necessarily Saturday or Sunday, but a day set aside to rest from your labors and spend time with God. Going to church on Sunday morning and then coming home to read and write assignments for the next week, doesn't quite count for a Sabbath for me.
So, as I head into this next week, excited about seeing my family and friends, I look for the quiet and look forward to spending a little extra time with God.

"I have what you need, but you keep on searching, 

I've done all the work, but you keep on working,

When you're running on empty, and you can't find the remedy,

Just come to the Well...

Leave it all behind, and come to the Well"

Casting Crowns, "The Well"

Song(s) of the week: "The Well" Casting Crowns; "Open My Hands" Sara Groves