
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Allergies, bad moods and praise

Well, I'm not quite to the half way point of the semester and this has been the week where everything has really hit me. I started not to post anything this week, but felt bad because I didn't post anything last weekend because I was sick. Then I remembered, I did say the ups and the downs. So here we go. 
This week has definitely been on the down side of things. I can't even pinpoint one exact thing that started it all. Last Friday was just not a good day. All day long nothing seemed to go right and when I finally stopped and said "What in the world is going on with me?" I realized that I really felt crappy and that was probably the cause of my rotten day and bad mood. As the day went on, so did the sickness. The week continued on with me sick - gotta love allergies in February (yes, I have pollen on my car today)! Antihistamines and theological writings do not mix well at all, I have found. 

All week long, I just couldn't shake this "I'm in a bad mood" feeling. I tried to hide it as best I could. And then, I'd feel guilty for being in a bad mood. Thursday morning, I spoke to a true and wonderful friend who reminded me that it was okay to be in this place and I shouldn't feel guilty about it. I was reminded that I was loved and prayed for, and though our conversation couldn't be very long, all that needed to be said was said. I am so very thankful for such a wonderful friend!
As I have thought over the last week, I have been reminded of some of the lectures in my Old Testament class. We were talking about the lament in Psalms and how it is in those periods of lament that we learn what true praise is. Whether a major crisis has occurred or the Psalmist found himself in a valley he didn't understand, the Psalmist cried out to God and through the confusion found praise. 

I was standing in a store yesterday when I realized the date. I am now not surprised that I have been in a bad mood this last week. Since 1997, a cloud has always loomed over the first part of February. And the cloud was made a little heavier in 2001. So my praise in this week of a bad mood, horrible allergy attack and mountain of work (which I now find myself behind in) is--thank you Lord for blessing my life with wonderful people.  I could've never asked for a sweeter, more precious woman to have been my grandmother--I miss her everyday and I cannot believe that she has been absent from my life for 15 years. And thank you for the all to brief time of having Laura Bailey as a friend--"Think of Laura, laugh don't cry, I know she'd want it that way". When I think of Laura, I can't help but remember her beautiful smile and her even more beautiful heart. 
Clara Robinson Aug. 1931-Feb. 11, 1997
Laura Bailey Dec. 1984-Feb. 14, 2001
Cherish the people you love and hold dear. Tell them you love them, and not just on Valentine's Day.

Now, I don't want to end this post on too serious a note.... so here is a little tidbit that I learned in Old Testament.
What is the difference between demons and angels??
Bat wings and mean faces :) 
Oh! And Isaiah was a streaker!


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